We’re releasing a set of features we hope will bring more value to your experience with Revcast. Along with planning & gaining insights on your Sales Capacity, you’re now able to also plan your pipeline capacity. Further, your employees can now carry multiple quotas, including both dollar and also opportunity or deal quotas.
Let’s walk through the updates step-by-step:
- “Reps” are now “Employees”: Revcast now models more than just sales capacity, and we’ve broadened our terminology to reflect any employees modeled in Revcast, including Managers, Sales Reps, and BDRs.
- “Promotion” is no longer a thing: To match this expanded modeling reach, we’ve removed “promoted” as a status in Revcast, allowing you to instead model talent movement up, down, and across your organization using “Employee Types”.
- Different types of quotas & multiple quotas: Sales & Pipeline, Dollars & Deals: Quotas have been expanded to account for more than just dollar value quota types for roles like Sales & Business Development (opportunities). Further, employees are able to have more than one quota: For example, a seller may have a quota component for specific product sales, pipeline and opportunity generation, and also a dollar bookings goal. We now capture all elements under one comprehensive model.
- Introducing “Employee Types”: Revcast supports the notion of “Employee Types” within an organization. You may think of these as types of roles such as “Account Executive”, “SDR”, or “Sales Manager”. Employee Types allow you to better model the structure and capacity of your organization, while also giving you more granular control over quotas, ramps, attainment, and employee moves such as promotions. All Revcast accounts have default employee types: “Employee” and “Manager”. This is to expedite the process of org startup, and give existing customers somewhere to put their employees (all employees must have a type). These defaults can be updated, and new types can be added.